From 26th to 28th of April, 2022, Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO) hosted the closing ceremonies of totally 5 online seminars, namely, Seminar on Medical Equipment and Technology Partnership for African French-Speaking Countries, Seminar on South-South Cooperation for African French-Speaking Countries, Workshop on Building and Operating Digital TV Networks for English-Speaking African Countries, Seminar on Increasing Participation of Developing Countries in Global Value Chain under New Trend, Seminar on Promoting Machinery and Electronic Industry and Economic Development for Developing Countries. Mr. LIU Rutao, Vice President of AIBO, attended the ceremonies and delivered speeches. Officials from the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of Mauritius and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia also made remarks on behalf of all the seminar participants respectively.

The above seminars vary in duration of 7 or 14 days, and have a total of 167 participants from 24 countries. Presentations, discussions, cloud visits and tours were organized to introduce China’s all-round achievement and successful experiences in relevant fields, which have deepened participants’ understanding of China, and promoted exchanges and cooperation among all participating countries.