From May 24 to 27, 2022, Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO) hosted the closing ceremonies of 8 online seminars, namely, the Seminar on Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Poverty Reduction for Officials of Developing Countries, the Seminar on Artificial Intelligence Education for Senior Officials from English-Speaking African Countries, the Seminar on Meeting UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals for Officials of Developing Countries, the Seminar on China-aid Programs for Arab Countries, the Seminar on Enhancing Competence for Young Officials of Arab Countries, the Seminar on Urban Integration for Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member Countries, the Seminar for Officials of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front, and the Workshop on Parliamentary Capacity Building for Young African Parliamentarians, as well as the closing ceremonies of 3 online seminars, namely, the Seminar on Urban Planning and Development for Developing Countries, the Seminar on Epidemic Prevention Control and the Role of Chinese Medicine for B&R Countries, and the Seminar on International Development Cooperation for Developing Countries. AIBO President Mr. SUN Zhonghe and Vice President Mr. LIU Rutao attended and addressed the ceremonies. Officials from Mauritius, Morocco, Zambia, Venezuela, and Trinidad and Tobago etc. also made remarks on behalf of the seminar participants respectively.

The above seminars last for 7days, 10 days or 14 days, attracting 296 participants from five continents across the globe. During the seminars, AIBO organizes various themed lectures, discussions, cloud tours and visits to thoroughly introduce China’s development achievements in different fields, vigorously share experience with participants, discuss development paths and initiatives, and promote exchanges and cooperation among countries.