From October 24 to 28, 2022, Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO) hosted 18 online seminars, including the opening ceremonies of Seminar on Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development for BRI Countries, Seminar on 5G Technology for Morocco, Seminar on Ethnic Policy and Practice for BRI Countries, Seminar on Service Trade Development, Seminar on International Logistics Management for Developing Countries, Seminar on Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Technology for BRI Developing Countries, Seminar on Inland Trade and Investment Promotion for Developing Countries, and the closing ceremonies of Seminar on Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development for Sri Lanka, Seminar on Cross-Border E-commerce Development and Economic Cooperation for Gambia, Seminar on Tax Service and Business Environment for BRI Countries, Seminar on Industrial Park Building and Management for Oman, Seminar on SMEs Capacity Building for Developing Countries, Seminar on Governance Capacity Building for Young Officials of Latin American Countries, Seminar on Integrated and Complementary Energy Systems for Senior Officials of Developing Countries, Seminar on China's Implementation of the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation for Ecuador, Seminar on Information Technology and Network Security for Kyrgyzstan, Seminar on Radio and Television Talents for African Countries, and Seminar on 5G Technology for Morocco.

Mr. LIU Rutao, Vice President of AIBO, attended and addressed the ceremonies. Official representatives from Albania, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman and Sri Lanka made remarks on behalf of the seminar participants respectively.
409 officials from five continents across the globe participated in above seminars, which lasted for 4 to 15 days.